Create your Construction Logo Design

Thousands of construction logo ideas with our free logo maker

Construction Logo

Why Use FreeLogoServices

  • Trusted - Used by more than 100,000 satisfied customers
  • Quality - We use award winning professional logo designers
  • Easy & Fast - Simple 3 step design process that takes minutes
  • Try It Free - Customize a free logo design & pay $40.00 for unlimited use
  • Large Selection - Choose from 1000's of graphics and types of free logos

How It Works

  • 1) Enter Logo Text
    Enter the text you would like in your logo
  • 2) Choose a Design
    Browse 1000's of graphics & types of free logos by industry
  • 3) Customize Your Logo
    Select colors, text, etc. for your logo
  • 4) Save & Download
    Save your logo. For unlimited use purchase the source files for $40.00

How to Design Solid Construction Logos

Construction services are no longer exempt from the marketing requirements that have long been a prerequisite for other industries – chief among them a credible web presence. This has led construction firms and individual contractors to rely on the professional appearance achieved through construction logos as a means of connecting with the consumerOpens a new window, whether targeting the individual homeowner or the B2B corporate buyer.

Unlike other industries, construction companies are somewhat unique in terms of their branding needs. They have to simultaneously convey that they’re ready for the next job but at the same time distinguish themselves from the hundreds of similar contractors competing within the same market. In addition, many companies just starting out often struggle with establishing themselves as capable. But confidence is grounded in image. And by creating a solid representation of your brand, you’re well on your way toward building a trustworthy reputation. Here’s where to start.

Perception Begins with a Quality Construction Logo

An effective logo enables your company to stand out in the industry, a key step in routinely showing up on the all-important bid list. As a result, it should be a reflection of the services you offer, incorporating your professional expertise into a creative platform that is simple, direct and memorable. Consider the following five ideas for crafting a strong construction logo:

1. Integrate the symbols associated with your trade

The construction industry relies heavily on a perception of ruggedness and strength. As a result, many companies try to integrate images of the tools and equipment required by their individual trade. In doing so, you quickly differentiate your specialized services and qualifications from that of a general contractor or laborer. As a general rule, uncomplicated forms print clearer and typically stick better in the mind of the consumer. That’s why the best construction logosOpens a new window are often designed around a single dominant image or text character.

Construction Logo

2. Represent specialized services

While you may be one of a hundred in your niche, you may also provide add-on services that could easily distinguish you from the herd. For example, do you provide extra personal service or more competitive pricing? Are you on-call, providing above average response time? Do you specialize in an enhanced level of workmanship? These extras can easily make a huge difference to the buyer, whether you’re working on a jobsite or for a local homeowner. Make sure your logo includes some indication of these selling points, because the low bid isn’t necessarily the one that always gets the contract.

Construction Logo

3. Adhere to the color scheme defined by your trade

When it comes to color, construction logos enjoy a little more freedom than most other industries. Due to the extensive range of service types, a broad palate of color is available for logo design. In general, many construction firms select bold colors, including red, brown, black, orange and yellow. These bright colors also have the added benefit of recognition and associationOpens a new window – representing much of the safety gear that has long been associated with the trades and, as a result, has become ingrained in the mind of the modern consumer. In addition, there is also a current trend toward blues and greens in construction logos for companies offering environmentally-friendly services and attempting to convey a “green” corporate image.

Construction Logo

4. Let your logo represent your core sales message

Due to the highly competitive nature of the construction business, winning a contract requires more than just estimating and bidding. As with any other service industry, you have to establish your expertise and reliability. In translating this concept to the design of your logo, try creating a slogan or taglineOpens a new window that positions you as the firm offering the highest level of overall value, incorporating a peerless level of completion, service and quality. Think: “hassle free.”

Construction Logo

5. Achieve readability and presence with clean, bold text

Strong font choices for construction company logos include Gill Sans, Cambria and Eras. Set them in a bold typeface to impart a heavier, more commanding presence. Plus, you can combine graphics and type by substituting letters in your construction company name with a graphic that can include tools or similar implements of your trade.

Construction Logo