Whether you’ve just started a new business venture or have been in operation for several years, you need a website. Those who aren’t particularly tech-savvy may think that building a website from scratch requires an extensive knowledge of coding. But the fact is, just about anyone can build a website thanks to the many tools available on the web today.
Ready to learn how to make a website from scratch? Here’s how to get started.
How To Design A Company Website
1) Choose the right tools
Let’s face it: Your website is only going to be as good as the tools you use to build it. Fortunately, you’ve got plenty of different options to choose from. Many approaches don’t even require you to get your hands dirty, as there are plenty of people willing to do the work for you.
If you’re hoping to build a website, you’ll want to start by taking one of the following routes:
Those who have the time and inclination to work on their company website themselves are certainly in the right era for doing so. There are a number of high-quality services online that allow you to build a clean, sleek website without any real knowledge of code or anything even remotely complicated. Most of these services are intuitive, meaning you’ll be able to learn as you go along. This is definitely the least expensive route to take, although it does require a relatively large investment of time.
Hire a freelancer
If building your own website isn’t something that interests you, it may be best to hire someone else to do it for you. One way to save some money and end up with a quality end result is to hire a freelancer. Freelance web designers are plentiful, and many offer benchmark services for reasonable rates. When in doubt, source it out.
Try a custom website package
If you’re looking for something more reliable than a freelancer, but less work than a DIY project, think about using a custom website package. Many DIY website builders offer upsell services in which you work with a marketing specialist to build your website. They’ll help with the web design and will write copy for your web pages. Custom website packages are often billed monthly for a flat fee.
Work with an agency
When money’s no object, the help of a professional web design agency can certainly be a solid investment. Working with a SaaS website design agency means that the vast majority of headaches related to building your company’s website will be out of your hands. For some, just the peace of mind alone is enough to warrant the extra cost associated with hiring an agency.
With the right tools on your side, you’ll be off to a great start in getting your new website off the ground.
To learn more about custom website packages, take a look at some of our website builder options.
2) Brand your website
When it comes to building a brand, there are few things that matter quite as much as color, tone, and style. Let’s take a closer look at each of these important factors:
You may well already have a logo in place that speaks to the essence of your brand. If you do, aim to use website colors that complement your logo. If not, however, there’s no better time to start thinking about your logo design and what colors can mean.
Certain colors (such as red) elicit feelings of power and passion, while others (green, for example) are cooler and perhaps more inviting. Choose your color scheme wisely, as you’ll want it to carry over well into the future.
Ask yourself, “What am I trying to convey with my company’s website?” It’s the best way to get a sense of the tone you’ll want to put across, which can have a strong impact on user experience. Does your website need to be serious in tone? Funny? Regardless of the tone you choose, make sure it fits your brand.
The style that your website is designed in must also fit your brand. Is the company “edgy?” Perhaps you’re trying to put across a minimalistic style that cements you as a “thought leader.” No matter what you’re attempting to accomplish, choosing the right style for your site is immensely important.
3) Plan website features and content
Few things matter for your company website quite as much as user experience, also commonly referred to as UX. This means taking the time to plan out features or “widgets” for your website, and also content. Between imagery, your company logo and copy to convert sales and audience retention, there are a number of different ways to craft and present content across your website.
Perhaps you need to focus on a call to action (CTA), in which case you may place certain forms or buttons strategically around the site. Maybe you’re in need of robust blog content, which should be planned thoroughly ahead of time and given plenty of space for scheduling. Whatever you envision your website looking like, planning content and features that relate to user experience is a crucial early step that cannot go overlooked.
4) Account for any technical difficulties
A website is a living, growing thing. While this bodes well for any business that makes use of its website, technical issues can pop up out of nowhere. You need to have a plan in which to deal with them. These options range from outsourcing to an IT firm, to taking things into your own hands if you have such a skillset. Regardless of the approach you take, you need an emergency plan to keep disaster at bay.
If you think you’re incapable of making a website from scratch, think again. Take the right approach, and the results will most likely “wow” you.
Ready to start working on your website? Take a look at our website builder packages and learn about some of your options.