5 Steps to Launching Your Business on Facebook

Facebook (as well as other social media platforms) is a great tool for building trust with customers by connecting with them and providing useful content and offers. However, social media isn’t just for continued marketing of your business; it is also useful for creating buzz when starting a new business. Here are the 5 steps to using Facebook to help launch your business:

1. Create your page: 

The first step is to set up your page and make sure it looks good. Upload your logo and any other relevant photos, add your description and fill out all sections.

2. Get some traction:

Get your friends and family to like your page, and then have them get other people to like your page. To get more “likes” from users who may become potential customers, try boosting your posts and running ads. More cost-effective than typical Facebook ads, this method has immediate value and is a great way to build visibility.

3. Plan your posts:

Once your page is ready, you need to plan out your actual launch. Months before, you should start thinking about what you can share and post that will start to build some buzz around your launch. Try sharing images and infographics, lead generation content such as webinars or ebooks, or promotions such as sales, discounts, or contests.

4. Build buzz:

You need to start getting people excited about your launch. Share sneak peeks and teasers to show your fans what they can look forward to. Try using preview videos, these are a great way to stand out and be seen in the newsfeed. Make sure to test all coupons, links and any tracking before launch.

5. Keep the excitement going:

After your launch, you need to keep interacting with your audience and keep them excited about your business or new product. Continue sharing valuable content that your audience would be interested in, keeping them informed with news about your business, and running promotions and Facebook ad campaigns.

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