

How to Spot a Great Business Card Design

How to Spot a Great Business Card Design

Have you ever picked up a business card and been instantly impressed? Something about the card’s shape, design, color, or font attracted you. You saved the card, and perhaps you contacted the person to buy their products or services. When…

Social Media Goals for the New Year

Social Media Goals for the New Year

Laptops, tablets, smartphones, iPods, gaming consoles, TVs, and wearable tech— all of these devices come with the ability to connect to the internet. In fact, over half of all United States residents have an online presence or go online regularly.…

Tips for Choosing a Qualified Logo Maker

Tips for Choosing a Qualified Logo Maker

Did you know that a professional logo can have a direct impact on the success of your company? When customers interact with your business, the branding and style of the information will influence whether they decide to make a purchase.…

3 Things Every Logo Should Have


Whether you are starting a new business, or rebranding an existing company, one vital aspect you need to carefully consider is your logo. This image will be included on everything that has to do with your business (website, business cards,…

The Benefits of Branded Office Supplies

The Benefits of Branded Office Supplies

Small companies often wonder about the ways they can promote their brand on a small budget. There are so many options out there, from television and online advertising to corporate event sponsorship; however, many of these ideas are expensive, and…

Preparing for Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday spelled out in wood blocks

Small Business Saturday, November 26, is a can’t-miss marketing and sales opportunity for your business. It was originally started in 2010 by American Express, as a way of encouraging people around the country to shop at small, local businesses between…