Create a Free DJ Logo Design

Thousands of DJ logo ideas with our logo maker

DJ Logo

Why Use FreeLogoServices

  • Trusted - Used by more than 100,000 satisfied customers
  • Quality - We use award winning professional logo designers
  • Easy & Fast - Simple 3 step design process that takes minutes
  • Try It Free - Customize a free logo design & pay $40.00 for unlimited use
  • Large Selection - Choose from 1000's of graphics and types of free logos

How It Works

  • 1) Enter Logo Text
    Enter the text you would like in your logo
  • 2) Choose a Design
    Browse 1000's of graphics & types of free logos by industry
  • 3) Customize Your Logo
    Select colors, text, etc. for your logo
  • 4) Save & Download
    Save your logo. For unlimited use purchase the source files for $40.00

Amp your marketability with a personalized DJ logo

As a DJ, you’re an entertainer. And from the Rolling Stones, U2 and Madonna to Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck and Harry Connick, Jr., the most successful entertainers have proven themselves to be the ones capable of crafting a memorable brand image.

Whether your goal is to play weddings, bar mitzvahs, popular nightspots or establish yourself with local radio stations, your biggest challenge as a DJ is to build name-recognition among club owners, event planners, booking agents and the general public. To succeed in this task, it’s vital to cultivate a representation of your brandOpens a new window that focuses on your distinguishing characteristics – specifically, the traits that make you unique when compared to the dozens of other DJs competing for the same limited number of available gigs.

With people attempting to avoid booking fees by using automated DJs like Radiologik, DJ bot and similar software solutions that run in conjunction with the iTunes platform, it’s now more important than ever to have a specific and highly-defined personality for your DJ business. One of the easiest ways to begin cultivating that image is with an attractive DJ logo. Yet it’s amazing how many DJs are still trying to build a brand solely around their name.

But this actually works to your benefit.

Although personal branding within the DJ industry is rapidly beginning to take off, there are still a large percentage of hobbyists and individuals who don’t have a DJ logo. So right away, you can quickly and easily set yourself apart from the masses by creating one. Plus, it establishes you as a professional, automatically leading others to take you more seriously. Here’s how to get started…

How to create a fresh, unique DJ logo

A DJ logo maker can be used to quickly and stylishly create a dynamic image that not only catches the eye but also provides a series of clues related to the specific genre of music you specialize in – from classic rock and country to R&B, rap and electronic.

Here are five quick tips to help define your DJ logo and create an image that’s as noticeable as the music you play.

1. Select appropriate elements

Like any finely-tuned brand image that caters to a specific niche, the elements you choose should be a reflection of your genre. As a DJ, if you’re into classical, soft rock or something like Top 40, select smooth, elegant fontsOpens a new window. On the other hand, if you specialize in hard rock, techno, electronic or a similar brand of highly-frenetic music, use fonts that have sharper points and corners to reflect the edge in your personality.

DJ Logo

2. Design something that’s easy to read

As a general rule, a horizontal DJ logo is easier to read than a vertical one, especially from across a crowded, theatrically-lit room. This will enable people to clearly see your name, remember it and follow your bookings via a websiteOpens a new window or email newsletter so they can turn up at your next gig.

DJ Logo


3. Don’t overdo it with art

Many successful DJ logos are those that focus almost solely on the name, using the text itself as a form of artistic expression. Those that do include graphics add small details like headphones, turntables or tiny musical notes to make the logo more interesting.

DJ Logo


4. Pick the right colors

No matter what style of music you play, you’re providing a service that’s meant to be fun and enjoyable. Therefore, it’s always best to select, bright, energetic colorsOpens a new window from the primary color set: red, blue, yellow, green. And for simplicity (and cost-effectiveness) when it comes time to print, limit yourself to three colors or less.

DJ Logo


5. Avoid tag lines

Unlike other industries that rely heavily on a marketing message, a successful DJ logo establishes a memorable image and lets the music speak for itself.

DJ Logo